Monday, June 28, 2004

[ODCAD]Spin on inorganic semiconductor

Did I make mistake in typing "inorganic"? No, it is true. Spin techlogy is usually regarded as a cheap method to deposite organic material because organic material can be dissovled in popular solvent. Si based inorganic semiconductor is covalent bond, and it has very low slubility in virtually any solvent. However, some inorganic material such as chalcoginide has relatively weak bond compared with Si. IBM's T.J. Watson Resaerch Center has discovered that this type of material may be dissolved in solvent hydrazine (N2H4) with other adding chemical. for example, Sn(S)y(Se)x can be dissovleved when extra solfur is added. The solution then is spin on substrated. After baking, the solvent and extra sulfur is evaporated. This results in very thin semiconductor Sn(S)y(Se)x.

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